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Candidate Testimonials


Primus Nursing Agency is one of the Best, if not the Best Agency around. There is guarantee of regular shifts weekly and assurance of getting paid the following Friday, once timesheets are in.The Agency is recommended for all Nurses and Support Workers who are dedicated to their jobs, who want continuity of work and getting paid promptly.


I'm glad to say I'm part of the winning team (Primus Nursing) organisation. Having had over 5 years experience in healthcare sector, I applied to join the Agency as HCA/Support worker and in no time my application was through and I started picking up shift. The agency has good staffs that are willing to help at all times. I can categorically say you are on the right track to join us to move this company forward. No delays in payment as we all get paid weekly.


I heard about Primus Nursing from my friend. From the moment I picked my phone to register down to me getting my uniform and my 1st booking for a shift, the experience was very fast I must say. The super friendly staff made it all seamless. I would highly recommend them.


Primus is a very reliable agency and honest company and they are paying a very good rate to all of there staff and have been working with the agency for the past 10 months.


Very good experience with this organisation so far.


An amazing experience working with great minds.